Kwaku Bonsam regularly uses social media for divination purposes, and he also appears on television talk shows. Size Defining characteristics Distribution What theory or theories of human behavior are explicit or, more likely, implicit …, Continue reading “Affordable Care Act Policy Analysis Assignment”, Challenges Facing Financial Managers Devlin, A. As “Amma”, among the Dogon people, or “Oludamare” among the Yoruba. Africa is a massive continent with diverse religious traditions, to the extent that within the same tradition there have been variations. Therefore under such circumstances, true ATR representation has been a daunting task leading to widespread ATR mythology. Polytheism also offers the same rank to all worshipped gods in such a setting. Yet religious colonialism on Africans is the main reason that most of us have come to view our own indigenous faith systems as epitomes of evil. Even though Westerners revealed the idea that ATRs operated at a personal level, the society created focal ATRs beliefs and practices. Christianity must recognise and study the theological basis of the traditional African belief in the existence of mystical and mysterious forces. For those who are open-minded and interested, there are a growing number of priests ordained in their respective spiritualities who are changing the face of indigenous African spiritualities on the continent and in the Diaspora. We ignore the influences that these systems have had and continue to have on the way Africans worship and conduct their everyday lives. Am happy now having completed the very difficult assignment, I appreciate help on the assignment. But in people’s minds, this modern practice of ritual killings has been conflated with indigenous faith systems. Therefore, the theory bundled all ATRs as one primitive appearance and nature thus, inferior to other religions including Christianity and Islam. There are few religions as globally misunderstood as African traditional religions. In a fascinating case, Kwaku Bonsam stormed into a church with a camera close by, to expose a Pentecostal priest for soliciting the help of his deities and keeping an idol on the church environs. Hence, it cannot be avoided in the interaction between Christianity and African Traditional Religion. Sometimes misrepresentation lack understanding of traditional African religious practices a fact that made the historians and scholars to record misleading details on ATR thus, … of religion as concern with spiritual beings in discussing religious norms and ideals for women, and move to a more extensive consid-eration of ritual in my analysis of religious organization and practice. As a young boy, Malidoma Somé was abducted by Jesuit missionaries and made to undergo indoctrination into European ways of thought and worship in colonial Burkina Faso. Due to the disdain and fear surrounding indigenous faiths, I tell very few Nigerians that I have consulted with a babalawo, a diviner of the Yoruba deity Ifa. Even so, the construct is false because all ATR belong to a specific group of individuals where all ATRs evolved. In a world where everyone is looking to be rich and wealthy, indigenous African spiritualities are not exempt from being corrupted by those who would do anything to get rich. The different African countries are made up of rural and urban regions. In nearby Benin Republic, a country where majority of the population hold on to their indigenous faith, Voudou, Aligbonon Akpochihala hosts his own radio show and appears on television to dispel misconceptions about the Voudou faith.  In this case therefore, the argument is that missionaries did not bring God to Africa, instead God brought them to Africans. In considering traditional sub-Saharan African religious systems for study, one is confronted not only by the multiplicity of potential African indigenous spiritualities in the 21st century Studies in Comparative Religion, 10(2), Johnson, K. (2004). Religious colonialism is the lesser-discussed arm of colonialism itself, but its psychological effects have been as long-lasting. Whether it is being wrongly labelled voodoo, juju or witchcraft, indigenous African faith systems tend to be associated with darkness, animal and human sacrifices, violence and general backwardness. Proof of this is in the ritual killings that keep on happening in this modern age whether it is 100 graves dug up in Benin Republic or albinos being killed for their body parts in Tanzania. From the early colonial period till today, misinformation about African indigenous spiritualities is spread and believed as truth. It was not enough to insist that every form of worship in Africa was of the devil, this was tied to African cultures as a way to reinforce the notion that Africans and African civilisations were lesser when compared to that of Europeans. Additionally, ATRs carried African people embodiment. Even so, ATRs have a lot more deeper roots in a personal’s tribal setting thus making it hard to ease in implementation of other cultural and religious beliefs that are far eliminated from personal traditional beliefs (Johnson, 2004). With such uniformed details, therefore, there was wide assumption that all ATRs are primitive and same in their nature. Last week, in a veiled comparison between African traditional religions and Christianity, which is the major religion in Jamaica, some of the key elements of African traditional religions were discussed using Kenya-born Professor John S. Mbiti, a well-known scholar and researcher of African religions, as the main reference. ATR faithful are also aware of divinities limitations, a fact that is not true of the Supreme God who is not represented by anything and owes his existence to nobody (Awolalu, 1976, p.9). With African Traditional Religions you must be much more careful about speaking about belief systems in the same way, because Africans will actually tolerate quite a wide variety of beliefs as long as it supports the same rituals or certain rituals or ritualistic explanations of why this is being done or why this is being believed. While idolatry means worshipping false gods or unnatural beings, ATRs worship the objects mainly as symbols and emblems and not as means to themselves. In line with the thoughts of Taylor, ATR as animism is the fact that Africans are polytheistic. Commercialized by E.B Taylor, an English anthropologist and propagated by other scholars, the first myth considers ATR as animism. However, this is a wrong ATR connotation because believers have a Supreme Being to whom is given all reverence. If you have travelled overseas from the continent, there is a likelihood that … There are numerous different religions practiced in Africa which do not get a lot of attention—just as there are everywhere. The divinities are consequently represented by items and have traceable origins. continue to have on the way Africans worship, traditional African religions still claimed the loyalty of majority of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, uncivilised, a necessary evil that had to be dealt with, and an inferior system that had to be done away with, every form of worship in Africa was of the devil, as a way to reinforce the notion that Africans and African civilisations were lesser, human sacrifices were part and parcel of pre-colonial faith systems, Discussions about the modern “innovations” in African cultures and religious practices, a life path reading and to know which Orisha “ruled my head”, Pentecostal priest for soliciting the help of his deities, offer the West African equivalent of Western zodiac signs, Childhood sex education reduces risky sexual behaviour: a Nigerian case study. 3 And similar to this was the dialogue that took place between Edwin Smith, who had gone out as a missionary to Africa, and Emil Ludwig, an eminent biographer. The Economy, Monetary Policy, and Monopolies, “Affordable Care Act Policy Analysis Assignment”, “Finance: Coursework on Challenges Facing Financial Managers”, “Sample Essay on SWOT Analysis of Kohl’s”, Sample Sociology Paper on Saving Capitalism, Criminal Justice: Sample Essay on Why Children Join Gangs, Religious Studies on Contribution of Christianity to Western civilization, Affordable Care Act Policy Analysis Assignment, Finance: Coursework on Challenges Facing Financial Managers, Sample Essay on SWOT Analysis of Kohl’s. African Traditional Religion is referred to the diverse beliefs that are included in various ethnic regions in Africa.The religion is characterized mainly by: 1.Supreme Being The African societies and ethnic communities believed in a supreme being who had different names for different communities.The people worshiped this God through singing,offering sacrifices,dancing,dedications … Understanding African Traditional Religion. It creates an atmosphere of fear, uncertainty and general suspicion. For this reason, the disciples of Taylor conclude that African religion is said to be polytheistic, meaning that Africans serve several gods which further puts African religion at the bottom of religious evolution. Many Western historians and scholars have a result perpetuated many of the ARRs myths. The same ATR effect remains solid even in their modern Christian worship (Johnson, 2004). (vii) Idolatry: Idol means false god; and so idolatry is the worshipping of false gods or that which is not real. That is why we have freewill, and regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge that a living God exists or not, and regardless of how we choose to worship Him, directly or through deities, we will all be eventually accountable. The fact that heathen and paganism refer to people with no religion, and nobody worshipped false gods, strikes off heathen and pagan titles because they believed in Supreme Being and divinities (Awolalu, 1976, p. 7). In so many indigenous African faiths, spirit possession and trances are a part of worship. Social Analysis Problem description How complete is our knowledge of the problem? This lack of knowledge as well as understanding of essentials has led to burgeoning of myths on African Traditional Religions (ATR). A 1685 law, for instance, prohibited the practice of African religions, and required all masters to Christianize their slaves within eight days of their arrival in Haiti. Myth: Slavery is a product of capitalism. Slavery and World History. I couldn’t help but compare his very modern and professional service to the recurring stereotype of wild-eyed witch doctors providing consultations in a darkened room that is popular in Nollywood and even Western depictions of any African spiritual system. What exactly are rituals? He named himself “Bonsam” which in Twi means “devil” thus knowingly poking fun at the continued demonisation of indigenous faith systems. I feared penalty from professor, but am now safe, Religion and expression of faith in the work place, Have been ordering from as many people online but never gotten A in my career, thanks for your assistance, Your write was fast on the assignment and will now be able to beat deadline. Generally, these traditions are oral rather than scriptural, include belief in a supreme creator, belief in spirits, veneration of the dead, use of magic, and traditional medicine. The myth that Africans in diaspora experienced slavery erased their ATR ties and holds no water to Africans because they continued with their practices through the 19th and 20th century. Africa is A Country. Unlike Western mythology, African myths are not recounted as a single narrative story, nor is there any established corpus of myth. A person therefore had to be born within a people to undertake and comprehend the people’s religious practices. However, they were generally forbidden from practicing their religion. If you are looking for affordable, high quality & non-plagiarized papers, click on the BUTTON below to place your ORDER. Retrieved from Besides all religions have astonishment and orientation to the spirit world. It is often combined with elements of Christianity and Islam. In this regard therefore, Africans worshipping piece of wood will not in any case despair if the wood gets lost based on the fact that wood is just a being’s representation and is served as a solid personification of goddess that is represented in its presence (Awolalu, 1976, p. 8). Voodoo Practitioners Make A Pact With The Devil. A couple of examples include Zoroastrianism and Rastafarianism. Here, Jacob K. Olupona, author of African Religions: A Very Short Introduction shares an interesting list of 15 facts on African religions. Now this confession is enough to freak out a lot of Nigerians, who absurdly believe that Ifá, a deity of divination would demand a human sacrifice. Africa is ridden with Disease. All Right Reserved. Presenting local beliefs as nothing but backwater superstitions was part and parcel of how Christian missionaries operated in their bid to bring their religion and Western civilisation to the dark continent. Whether it is being wrongly labelled voodoo, juju or witchcraft, indigenous African faith systems tend to be associated with darkness, animal and human sacrifices, violence and general backwardness. Christianity denotes the existence of God in the trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There are several misconceptions concerning various religions and people of faith. Correcting Misconceptions About African Traditional Religions. In bringing modernization and Christianity to Africa, many westerners had the notion that conversion from ATR would follow similar process as that in western religion. Homosexuality, incest, and bestiality are inherently taboo for those following the Christian Bible . Are our efforts to deal with the problem in accord with research findings? Now a diviner in hisDagara tradition, Somé wrote about the brainwashing he received at the seminary and the difficult journey finding his way back to his people’s traditions in Of Water and the Spirit. In essence, these were mainly western scholar’s constructs as a derogatory reference to ATR as a representation of the people’s cultural backwardness. Pentecostalism has much in common with the way indigenous spiritualities are practiced, with its heavy emphasis on exorcisms and speaking in tongues. From Nigeria to Kenya, it is disturbing how we have come to accept the intolerant Western views of African indigenous spiritualities, believing that we are saved because we no longer engage in “idol worship”. These words are still relevant today. Thinking About Religion, 4. John Mbiti, a prominent Christian theologian from Kenya who helped debunk entrenched ideas that traditional African religions were primitive, … The worst thing is that it uses the local people to enforce itself”. The animal that Africans worshipped according to Taylor had the ability of leaving one body and taking over other bodies such as men and things. Therefore, the society played a crucial unifying factor to the dreams and beliefs of a person (Johnson, 2004). As stated earlier, the belief in the impersonal (mystical) powers is dominant and pervasive among traditional Africans. This lack of knowledge as well as understanding of essentials has led to burgeoning of myths on African Traditional Religions (ATR). To get around these restrictions, the slaves started to equate their gods with Catholic saints. It is believed that in rituals, people are regularly abducted and killed, their body parts used to create charms or “fetishes” that are said to bring riches to whoever bears them. African indigenous faith systems became “primitive”, uncivilised, a necessary evil that had to be dealt with, and an inferior system that had to be done away with. Instead, myths are embedded and transmitted in ritual practice. ANTITRUST IN AN ERA OF MARKET FAILURE. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 33(2), 557-606. This construct is false entirely since Mbiti contends that many people in Africa were already aware of existence of God and referred to him as Ngai, Mungu and Unkulunkulu among others (Johnson, 2004). But to say that the African Traditional Religion is animistic would be incorrect and racial. Traditional/Indigenous African religions are the traditional beliefs and practices of African people including the various traditional religions and customs. In many of the African spiritual traditions it is believed that there is one “God”. Sunni Muslims make up approximately… The main areas covered in the test include the history of …, Continue reading “Report on CITI Training Sample Essay”. Her opinion is backed by Chief Adelekan, a Yoruba diviner who at a talk in the Manchester Museum insisted that human sacrifices have nothing to do with his indigenous worship. I was curious to get a life path reading and to know which Orisha “ruled my head” after a friend had had a similar reading done. Sometimes misrepresentation lack understanding of traditional African religious practices a fact that made the historians and scholars to record misleading details on ATR thus, leading to growth of religious inaccuracies. Many of the myths were however driven by superiority complex of the westerners in relevance to what they considered the ‘’burden of the white man’’ to modernize Africans. Discussions about the modern “innovations” in African cultures and religious practices are almost nonexistent, so most of us never consider that the growth of Pentecostal churches is encouraging witchcraft related fears or that market forces are central to today’s beliefs in witchcraft. Some religions (as well as cultures in general) consider various sexual practices taboo. Their belief in many spirits as revealed by their belief in spirits existence in every object in every object as a result hurls Africans to an abyss of holy aboriginality. This explains further why Africans in slavery maintained their traditional religious practices. It is erroneous to assume that it is after Africans migrate to the Diaspora that they … Vodou began when African slaves brought their native traditions with them as they were forcefully transported to the new world. Let’s put these common myths to rest. However, what are some of the myths and real practices that have overshadowed the myths? Many of mythical contention have also been in the effect that European missionaries brought about the knowledge of God to Africa as well as religion. When Ludwig got to It was hard for me but am good to go now, Thanks for the good work to save my studies. Among the many easy writing service providers, we are the most preferred.This is no self-proclamation but a fitting testament from our customers. Little known is the history of indigenous children across the world who were kidnapped, forced into seminaries and taught not only Christianity but also the superiority of Western culture and language in the hopes that they would go ahead as agents of European authority and “civilise” their own people. Therefore, the ATRs are not certainly idolatrous. The keepers of the age-old traditions are staking their claim for credibility despite the many challenges they face. The online tests conducted during the course were instrumental in the assessment of what was learnt by the trainees. By Jacob K. Olupona. Poverty is a problem for many African countries, and it will be one … There are also quite a few irreligious people—agnostics and atheis… 1. To each his own. In his own bid to modernise the faith, Akpochihala launched a crash course that allows Voudou devotees to become priests in four months, as opposed to the usual three years. There are few religions as globally misunderstood as African traditional religions. These rituals, otherwise called witchcraft, are said to exist due to the superstitious nature of Africans, which arises from traditional beliefs. African traditional religion refers to the indigenous or autochthonous religions of the African people. (1976). The traditional religions of Africa are human in the deepest sense, because they focus on people and their everyday problems. Many Western historians and scholars have a result perpetuated many of the ARRs myths. 8 Misconceptions of Various Religions. African religions - African religions - Mythology: In African oral cultures, myths embody philosophical reflections, express values, and identify moral standards. If you know anything about Islam, you know that there are Shi’a and Sunni Muslims. Headquartered in Menomonee Falls, WI, the chain has over 1,160 stores in 49 states across the US. This kind of contention strikes off the fact that Africans did not have religious belief and knowledge in God before arrival of European missionaries (Johnson, 2004). Animism is therefore part of religious following to define summarily ATRs as animistic would as a result be very wrong (Awolalu, 1976, p. 8). This falsifies the myth that ATRs were founded by one person and ascribed to a single Holy text. 3 Leo Frobenius, The Voice of Africa, Vol. The terms were also largely used in the colonial period. They are referred to as Nzambi’a Mpungu Tulendo in Kikongo, the central language of the Bantu-Kongo people, which is translates as the “everything in everything”. The mere existence of people like Kwaku Bonsam and websites that offer the West African equivalent of Western zodiac signs shows the ways in which indigenous priests are adapting their centuries-old traditions to the modern world and resisting the grand narrative of Christianity and Islam. Among Catholics , sex of any kind is taboo for clergy - priests, nuns, and monks — but not for general believers. Diseases take millions of lives every year in Africa because of a lack … Retrieved from In this article, it is clear that antitrust benefits the business when they enhance regulation of free markets. Africans Speak African. What population is affected by the problem? Many traditional African religions are based on guiding principles that are unfathomable to foreigners, more specifically those with interests such as historians and scholars. The rationale is to designate African traditional religion as inferior to Islam and Christianity. All African Countries Are Poor. Lack of proper understanding of the embodiment led to creation of myths plethora in regards to ATRs. These so-called ritual killings have attained the status of urban legends in countries like Nigeria where the 10% of Nigerians who adhere to traditional beliefs have to keep their faith secret or risk being labelled as enablers of human sacrifice. Okay, so it is a little weird starting out a list with “Other,” but bear with me—I am starting out with the less popular religions and working up toward the most widespread faiths. That these rituals are done with the main aim of making money should hint at their true capitalist nature. The word idol is used to describe the object which is an emblem of that which is worshipped by the Africans. Generally, these traditions are oral rather than scriptural and passed down from one generation to another through folk tales, songs and festivals, include belief in an amount of higher and lower gods, sometimes including a supreme creator or force, belief in spirits, veneration of the dead, use of magic and traditional African medicine. She said she recalled when human sacrifices started in Nigeria  – at the time, she was a child growing up in the 1970s. Conflict is a universal phenomenon that is inevitable in human interaction. ATR on the other hand also has divinities that do not match Supreme Being in file and rank. Will Covid-19 vaccines bring life back to normal in 2021? Since ATRs are culturally dependent, the society played a very crucial role in propagating them. Mudimbe's Theories on Missionary Discourse in Africa]. A few months ago at a work meeting, the topic of ritual killings and idol worship came up and a colleague boldly objected to a idea that ritual killings had been traditionally done by Nigerians in pre-colonial times. What is African Traditional Religion? Well, it … What I do not tell them is that I consulted this babalawo over the Internet. With religion being the sensitive topic that it is, one close to the hearts of many African people, it is not always easy to have a sensible discussion about the problematic ways in which Eurocentric Christianity and Islam reached the African continent. Get a non-plagiarized Paper written by our Professionals. Each group of individuals as well as tribe had their religious form over time in response to various life experiences and situations. © Copyright 2009-2019. (2010). ... those misconceptions and misrepresentations of the facts presented by Eurocentric scholars. Looking for the very best because it looks perfect, will be back with more assignments, you helped me complete several other tasks as you handled paper. African traditional religion by describing it with some racially motivated terminologies such as savagism, juju, fetishism, animism, magic, paganism, heathenism and ancestral worship.  Western scholars had in many cases referred ATR to as a form of idolatry worshipping only objects including rocks, sun, wood and trees. In keeping up with the generation of Pentecostal pastors in Ghana who use the media to deride Ghanaian traditional religion as devil worship in the continued colonial tradition, Kwaku Bonsam uses similar tactics to strike back. There have also been constant debates on the existence of religion in Africa before missionaries work in the continent. wonna thank you, I expected perfection in terms of grammar and I am happy. Thanks a lot, Just wonna say thanks for attending to my assignment guyz. This policy aids clients to access products cheaply and in the correct quantity. The theory of Taylor further regarded the African religion as quite primitive because ATR faithful believe in presence of spirits in every object. The three main religious traditions—African traditional religion, Christianity, and Islam—constitute the triple religious heritage of the African continent. While there are similarities in the manner and place of worship in reference to Supreme Being and divinities, each ATR within its center had a signature of practice and belief ascribed only by a group of people. The worshipped objects as a result, have meanings beyond themselves. Few people are aware that Voudou (rather than “voodoo”) is a faith based on harmony with nature, one that expressly forbids the killing of another being, or that most African faith systems believe in the concept of one God above all other divinities and deities, who function much as a pantheon of saints. Will keep in touch with more assignments, this is Tom again, just wonna say thank you for assistance. It was through email that my friend introduced me to him, his service was paid for through his website, and after consulting with Ifá, he sent me my life path reading in pdf format. Premium Essay Writing Services is the ideal place for homework help or essay writing service. People often refer to “Africa” as if it is a country rather than a continent. The paper was complete as fast. The resulting video (below) was uploaded on Youtube, thus exposing the ways in which indigenous faiths influence the way modern Africans worship. In the book, Somé writes “religious colonialism tortures the soul. The traditional African religions or traditional beliefs and practices of African people are a set of highly diverse beliefs that includes various ethnic religions. However, the words used in ATR reference were not true because Africans were already aware of religion and believed in the Supreme Being. Take Ghanaian priest and healer Kwaku Bonsam, for instance, the focus of this New York Times article. The ATR ascription as primitive in regards to Western racial pride set their civilized culture while that of Africans was rudimentary and simple because (Africans) had not gotten used to the Western way of life (Awolalu, 1976, p. 6). Similarly, few Africans had published accurate ATR representation books while the published have not been circulating according to reports by historians and scholars. Most religions can be descri… 2 E. B. Idowu, African Traditional Religion, S.C.M., 1973, p.87. As a result, it leads to increase in plethora of spirits (Johnson, 2004). The most important thing is that in the new South Africa religion and spirituality are used to create greater understanding and harmony rather than to divide people as was done in the past. This conception followed the same path that claimed that all ATRs are the same. …, Continue reading “Finance: Coursework on Challenges Facing Financial Managers”, SWOT Analysis of Kohl’s Established in 1962, Kohl’s Corporation is an American company, which operates family-oriented department stores. Will reach you with more assignments, Affordable Care Act Policy Analysis III. We have been in the writing business since 2009, and have served many students who have kept coming back and even referred others to us. Although the slaves accepted Roman Catholicism, they did not give up their traditional beliefs either. Unlike the “primitive” witch doctor of popular imagination, Kwaku Bonsam has adopted children, opened a free elementary school and runs a cattle farm. And same in their modern Christian worship ( Johnson, 2004 ) and healer Kwaku,. When African slaves brought their native traditions with them as they were generally forbidden from practicing their.. 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